| Kino & Streaming

by Ströer Media Brands GmbH



Cinema program, streaming, films and series: With everything at a glance. - Wissen, was wo läuft. Im Kino oder Stream.Deutschlands beliebteste Kino-Webseite ist stolz, euch die neu gestaltete und aktualisierte Version unserer mobilen App zu präsentieren! Sie erlaubt es euch, Spielzeiten für alle Filme in Kinos in eurer Nähe zu finden. Falls ihr euch nicht entscheiden könnt, gibt es zu jedem Film noch viele weitere Informationen wie Trailer, Bilder, Zusammenfassungen, Darstellerliste und mehr. Und falls ihr einen Film oder eine Serie fürs Heimkino finden wollt - können wir auch mit dienen! Unsere App bietet euch nun eine vollständige Liste aller Filme und Serien, die bei sämtlichen Streaminganbietern wie Netflix, iTunes, Amazon, GooglePlay, Sky, Microsoft und Maxdome verfügbar sind! Und das ist noch nicht einmal alles - hier ist eine Liste aller wichtigen Features, die ihr in der App nutzen könnt:- Kinoprogramm-Filter für 2D-, 3D-, OV-, OmU- und IMAX-Vorstellungen- "In den Kinos"-Sektion mit allen kommenden Blockbustern- Persönliche "Watchlist"-Sektion, in der ihr alle Filme und Serien hinzufügen könnt, die ihr noch sehen wollt- Benachrichtigungen für Filme der Watchlist, die in einem Kino in deiner Nähe gezeigt werden- Benachrichtigungen für Filme und Serien der Watchlist, die nun im Streaming verfügbar sindUnd nicht vergessen: Ihr könnt uns jederzeit unter [email protected] erreichen und wissen lassen, wie euch unsere App gefällt. Viel Spaß damit!Impressum: - Know whats going on where. In the cinema or stream.Germanys most popular cinema website is proud to present you the newly designed and updated version of our mobile app! It allows you to find show times for all films in cinemas near you. If you cant decide, there is a lot more information about each film, such as trailers, pictures, summaries, list of actors and more. And if you want to find a movie or a series for home theater - we can help too! Our app now offers you a complete list of all films and series that are available from all streaming providers such as Netflix, iTunes, Amazon, GooglePlay, Sky, Microsoft and Maxdome! And thats not even all - here is a list of all the important features that you can use in the app:- Cinema program filter for 2D, 3D, OV, OmU and IMAX shows- "In the cinemas" section with all upcoming blockbusters- Personal "Watchlist" section, in which you can add all the films and series that you still want to see- Notifications for films on the watchlist that are shown in a cinema near you- Notifications for films and series on the watchlist, which are now available in streamingAnd dont forget: You can reach us at any time at [email protected] and let us know how you like our app. Have fun with it!Imprint:

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Wie kann ich Premium kaufen? Die Werbung nervt etwas.

Thilo M.

Wonderful app ! Love it

Arash Mansouri

A truly great app! Not only do you have a massive variety in upcoming movies and television shows, but also all the ones that have come out! You even have a section where you can select your subscription services, select the different genres and the release dates to discover or re-discover so many films and TV shows that you might have missed it or would like to re-discover for nostalgic purposes! It's also great for people such as myself who love exploring the history of film!


I couldn't filter the movie by county of origin (I wanted to filter only german movies) and by availability on the streaming services I use

Yevgeniy Melekhov

Die App lädt nicht mehr, die startet nicht mehr unter Android 11. Und nach einem Werksreset sollte das nicht am Telefon liegen.

Michael Garbe

So far so good

Natasha Mawuta

Too many ads


The app very convenient and useful, but it is so super annoying when it pops up from background (!!) to show an ad. Having ad popping up, when I use the app is totally fine, but bringing it up from background, when I use another app is totally unacceptable. I hope you can fix it. Thanks!

Alexander Mishkovets


Daniel Adoni

incredibly good, would never think this app was made in Germany. where is the ugly overloaded interface? where is the three screens long history of the company foundation no man needs? where are bad quality stock pictures of smiling white people? and finally where is the slider on the main view lagging and hiding everything else? love 😍

Thorin Schiffer